Published on November 28, 2004 By reddirty In Humor
For the sake of not offending any sensitive right wing ears, I have decided to write this article in moonspeak:

Glabba nebula sekoti *yoy* America!!! Gib gib senka Bush, salenti yoy gib. Clanteron stikk Condi!!! Mit mit "weapons of mass destruction", assu moy 9/11. Jib jib acoowich da? Matta!!! Crempotisto Abu Ghraib, steck folio Haliburton, steck folio stig mata Ohio! Shethids! Mock tratin don Gonzales, bett bett yoy. Mest on Bush, Mest on Cheney, Mest on del dakka dakka. Trif!

Take that! I apologize for any spelling errors...

on Nov 29, 2004
on Nov 29, 2004
I couldn't agree more.
"Gib gib senka Bush, salenti yoy gib"
You were right on here! How do you do it, dirty??

on Nov 29, 2004

Senka Bush!

(Whatever that means, I think I like the sentiment.)
on Nov 29, 2004
Good thing I read moonspeak. Hilarious! Gibbi kai frolehti Administration.
on Nov 29, 2004
You're right, rat. Administration frolehti gibbi. Yoy mit mit assu Bush moy bett dakka moy Condi. Jib steck? *Steck folio*
on Nov 30, 2004
Harks knoka snell fin yoy. Taska wham jip jop "social security"! flay....gib gib senka Bush. Yoy astronima shethids!
on Nov 30, 2004
hak nitza demoncrapick ijdafrag, crakfa liberal wecstb,whineallatime,kerrydean fullashitza .demos crybutwhinebetter frahza spralkna fuz
on Nov 30, 2004
hak nitza demoncrapick ijdafrag, crakfa liberal wecstb,whineallatime,kerrydean fullashitza .demos crybutwhinebetter frahza spralkna fuz

Now it has lost its charm. Another something, sghruined jtby a Republican.
on Nov 30, 2004
Hey now, moderate man has every right to disagree in moonspeak...and i have a right to respond: Zig ziggah trat branwaished!
on Nov 30, 2004
Gheg topp lefties hop yupp yipp righties johg nor hin crakfa liberal hin crakfa conservative ohj ki stereotyping.
on Dec 03, 2004
Funniest shit I have ever "red"...HAHAHAHAAHAHA!!!!!
on Dec 04, 2004
Hoy yoy uhther regular ,johg cranka hof join JU??
on Dec 05, 2004
most entertaining for a sunday morning.

tuk kut sranku gib gib!
on Dec 08, 2004
My moonspeak is rather shotty...but I will resist the joining JU because I can't let it beat me...I see all you junkies. I'm better than that...

ha ha

jiegh ielsif gif gif gif, SUCKER!! (that is the darkside dialect...)